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The Spelpreneur Incubator program introduces students to the fundamentals that will advance their knowledge and practice of entrepreneurship.  Have you ever dreamed of becoming an entrepreneur?  Are you curious what is entrepreneurship?  Are you a student entrepreneur navigating through starting, operating, or growing your business?  Do you know that an entrepreneurial mindset is applied in varied work organizations?  This is the program for you.


Every week during the Fall and Spring, students will participate in any of the following three (3) programming elements of the program: 

  • Fundamental Series: Students learn about the entrepreneurial mindset and the key aspects of starting and operating a business.  

  • Entrepreneur Chats: Students engage with entrepreneurs who openly and candidly talk about their entrepreneurial journey.

  • Speed Mentoring: Students meet 1 on 1 with entrepreneurs to discuss their business idea or business and learn about successful business practices. 


During the Spring, a select number of students will participate in the fourth programming element, 10-Day Startup Competition: In 10 days, students form teams, identify a problem, work with mentors, demonstrate how their idea presents the best solution to the problem, and build a minimum viable product (MVP). On the 11th day, teams pitch at a “Shark Tank” style event.

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